To prepare for AFC Women’s Asia Cup, which will be hosted in India, the Indian women’s unit will be touring Brazil, Chile and Venezuela. They will be camping in Manaus, where an international tournament starting in the final week of November will involve these four teams.
The first game of this tournament will be played between India and Brazil, on November 25. India’s following games will be against Chile on November 28, and Venezuela on December 1.
The AIFF is yet to announce the Indian unit’s departure date to Brazil, but said in the announcement that the aim is to give this team the best possible preparation for a tournament everyone is looking forward to. The Asian Cup will be held in January 2022, and the national side has warranted automatic qualification as hosts.
“It is our endeavour to give our team the best possible preparation before the AFC Women’s Asian Cup 2022. After the matches in Brazil we are trying to organise a 4-nation tournament in India in December.
The national team department along with the International Relations department are constantly communicating with various Member Associations,”
AIFF general secretary Kushal Das said in an interview with News18.
The Indian side already played six friendly games a couple of months ago, and picked up two wins against the UAE, Bahrain and Chinese Taipei. There were more games planned in this time period for this contingent, but the pandemic’s knock-on effects clearly halted the plans.
There is plenty of optimism around the Swedish coach Thomas Dennerby, who took over in August 2021, having previously worked with the U17 side.
India Women will only relish the experience of playing in South American conditions, and the challenges that come with it are bound to teach them good lessons.
There are great things to look forward to in the coming few months for the Indian women’s football fraternity. India will be hosting the U17 Women’s World Cup after the Asia Cup, which is a massive testament of the structural development that took place.